- Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability or disorder that includes poor word reading, word decoding, oral reading fluency and spelling
- Dyslexia in not just about getting letters or numbers mixed up or out of order
- Dyslexia can be treated
- It is estimated that 1 in 5 people have dyslexia
- Over 40 million American Adults are dyslexic - and most do not know it
- Dyslexia is not tied to IQ
- Dyslexia occurs in people of all backgrounds and intellectual levels
- Dyslexia has nothing to do with not working hard enough
- 20% of school-aged children in the US are dyslexic
- Dyslexia can be hereditary
- Dyslexics may struggle with organizational skills, planning and prioritizing, keeping time, concentrating with background noise.
- People with dyslexia excel or can be gifted in areas of art, computer science, design, drama, electronics, math, mechanics, music, physics, sales and sports
SOURCES: American Dyslexia Association, The International Dyslexia Association, The Dyslexia Center, The Dyslexia Foundation, The Child Mind Institute
"In an era when we can image the brain as an individual reads and literally see the brain at work, it is unacceptable to have children and adults struggling to read when they could benefit from what modern neuroscience has taught us about reading and dyslexia."
Sally Shaywitz, "Overcoming Dyslexia", c.2003, pg 6.
READING DOESN'T HAVE TO BE DIFFICULTSpellRead, a results-driven, scientifically evaluated, intensive reading intervention program for students who struggle with reading acquisition, for students who are not fluent readers, and for students who do not retain or comprehend what they read. The research-based instructional methods help students overcome phonological auditory processing problems (how sounds are organized) frequently associated with students who have reading disabilities.
Everyone has a different situation. To understand why SpellRead might be right for yours, click here.
Adult Experience with Dyslexia
The following quotes are from the book "The Adult Side of Dyslexia" by author Kelli Sandman Hurley
"Slow laborious reading and rereading"
- For some dyslexics reading and rereading helps them comprehend more deeply but for others it is a daunting task.
- For some dyslexics reading and rereading helps them comprehend more deeply but for others it is a daunting task.
"It was very difficult for me in school with teachers and administrators and early I think I was labeled a behavior problem"
- A Dyslexic's academic struggle can result in labeling.
- A Dyslexic's academic struggle can result in labeling.
"I have to reread a lot. I'll be reading and then I wouldn't even know what I was reading"
- Dyslexia impacts comprehension
- Dyslexia impacts comprehension